Hot and Sour Fish

Hot and Sour Fish

Tender and subtle fish flavor immerse in pickled green chili pepper juice, a dish full of delightful sour kick and spicy taste.

Main Ingredient

Sea Perch 600g, Cooking Oil 50ml


S.J. Pickled Green Chili Pepper 50g, S.J. Pickled Green Chili Pepper Juice 50ml, Yellow Lantern Chili Sauce 30g


Salt 5g, Rice Wine 10ml, White Pepper 5g, Corn Starch 5g

Other Ingredient

Chinese Pickled Vegetable 150g, Salt 3g, Chopped ginner 30g, Chopped garlic 30g, Cilantro 5g



Marinate sea perch with spices and set for 10 min


Stir-fry Chinese pickled vegetable, pickled green chili pepper, chopped garlic and ginger and yellow lantern chili sauce in hot oil


Add pickle green chili pepper juice into step 2 and put in sea perch and salt when it boils


Cook till sea perch is fully done then sprinkle cilantro before serve

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